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From Cassette Beasts
- AP Boost
- AP Boost (move)
- AP Boost (status effect)
- AP Donate
- AP Drain
- AP Drain (move)
- AP Drain (status effect)
- AP Factory
- AP Refund
- AP Starter
- AP Steal
- A Little Inspiration
- Abilities
- Ability
- Abramacabra
- Abramacabra (move)
- Abramacabra (status effect)
- Accuracy
- Accuracy Down
- Accuracy Up
- Achievements
- Acid Reflex
- Acorn Mortar
- Acting On Your Best Behaviour
- Adeptile
- Aeroboros
- Aerosol Tape
- Air
- Air Camouflage
- Air Coating
- Air Coating (move)
- Air Coating (status effect)
- Air Resistance
- Air Wall
- Air Wall (move)
- Air Wall (status effect)
- Aldgrave Tomb Station
- Aleph
- Aleph Null
- Aleph Null/Dialogue
- Alice
- Alice/Dialogue
- All I Ever Needed
- Allseer
- Amber
- Amber Lodge
- Americano-To-Go
- Amphare
- Anathema
- Angelic Attack
- Apocrowlypse
- Archangel
- Archangels
- Arkidd
- Arrow of Time
- Art book
- Artillerex
- Astral
- Astral Camouflage
- Astral Coating
- Astral Coating (move)
- Astral Coating (status effect)
- Astral Resistance
- Astral Wall
- Astral Wall (move)
- Astral Wall (status effect)
- Attraction Pass
- Attributes
- Auriclaw
- Automation
- Autumn Hill
- Autumn Hill Caves
- Avalanche
- Averevoir
- Averevoir Flight
- Awesome Games Done Quick 2024 Traffikrab T-Shirt
- Awesome Games Done Quick 2024 Traffikrab T-shirt
- BE rAnDoM!!
- Babelith
- Babelith/Dialogue
- Bad Forecast
- Bad Joke
- Bansheep
- Bard Street Station
- Barkley
- Basic Tape
- Battering Ram
- Battery
- Beanstalker
- Beast
- Beast Camouflage
- Beast Coating
- Beast Coating (move)
- Beast Coating (status effect)
- Beast Resistance
- Beast Wall
- Beast Wall (move)
- Beast Wall (status effect)
- Berserk
- Berserk Cure
- Berserker
- Binterloper
- Binvader
- Binvasion
- Binvitation
- Bish Bash Bosh
- Bite
- Black Screen Records Cassette Beasts T-Shirts
- Black Shuck
- Black Shuck's Tape
- Blizzard
- Blood Donation
- Bloodlust
- Blossomaw
- Blunderbusk
- Boil
- Bolt From The Blue
- Boltam
- Bomb
- Bon Bon Blast
- Bone Cannon
- Booby Trap
- Booby Trapped
- Bootleg
- Bottle Volley
- Brace for Impact
- Braxsuit
- Breathing Technique
- Brick Blast
- Brightside Pier
- Broadcast
- Brokenhead
- Brushroom
- Buffy
- Bulletino
- Bulletino Dash
- Burn Cure
- Burnace
- Burned
- Burning Passion
- Busheye
- Bushfire
- Butterfly Effect
- Bytten Studio
- Bytten Studio (Archangel)
- Call For Help
- Campsite
- Candevil
- Canned Ice Latte
- Capricorpse
- Captain Buffy
- Captain Clee-0
- Captain Codey
- Captain Cybil
- Captain Gladiola
- Captain Heather
- Captain Judas
- Captain Lodestein
- Captain Penny Dreadful
- Captain Skip
- Captain Wallace
- Captain Zedd
- Carniviper
- Carnivore
- Cassette
- Cassette Beasts
- Cassette Beasts Original Soundtrack
- Cassette Beasts Physical Edition
- Cassette Beasts Plushies
- Cassette Beasts Showcase
- Cassette Beasts Tape
- Cassette Beasts The Art Book
- Cassette Beasts Tote Bag
- Cassette Beasts Trading Cards
- Cassette Beasts Vinyl
- Cast Iron Shore
- Cat-5
- Ceramic Tape
- Change the Record
- Channelled Power
- Character
- Charge
- Charlequin
- Cheats
- Chemical Imbalance
- Chemists' Store
- Cherry Cross Station
- Cherry Meadow
- Chrome Tape
- Clay-Fired
- Clee-0
- Clemence
- Climb
- Clobber
- Clocksley
- Clockwork Mouse
- Close Encounter
- Close Encounter (move)
- Close Encounter (status effect)
- Cluckabilly
- Clémence
- Clémence/Dialogue
- Coal Story
- Coaldron
- Coating Cure
- Coda Morgana
- Codey
- Coffee
- Coin-Operated
- Cold Fusion
- Come Back And Stay
- Come Back and Stay
- Compliment
- Conductive
- Conductive Cure
- Confused
- Confusion Cure
- Console
- Contact Dmg Air
- Contact Dmg Astral
- Contact Dmg Beast
- Contact Dmg Earth
- Contact Dmg Fire
- Contact Dmg Glass
- Contact Dmg Glitter
- Contact Dmg Ice
- Contact Dmg Lightning
- Contact Dmg Metal
- Contact Dmg Plant
- Contact Dmg Plastic
- Contact Dmg Poison
- Contact Dmg Water
- Copper Chop
- Copy That
- Copycat
- Cosmic Kunai
- Cosmic Zone
- Cotton On
- Cottoned On
- Critical AP
- Critical Mass
- Critical hit
- Criticise
- Cross Your Heart
- Crossfade
- Crumble
- Cryoshear
- Crystal Lens
- Cultist merchant
- Cure
- Cure-All
- Custom Game
- Custom Starter
- Cyber Material
- Cybil
- Damage
- Damage Calculation
- Damage Roll
- Dandylion
- Dating
- Dead World
- Death Ray
- Debug: 1M Power
- Debug: Confuse
- Debug: Kill
- Debug: Summon Tulpa
- Debug Console
- Decibelle
- Deep Freeze
- Defend
- Deflated
- Deja Vu
- Delegate
- Desperation
- Dev mode
- Dino Quarry
- Diveal
- Diveal Swim
- Diveberg
- Djinn Entonic
- Djinntoxicate
- Doc Leaf
- Dodge
- Dog Years
- Dominoth
- Don't You Want Me
- Dorian
- Double Espresso
- Double Slice
- Double Smack
- Double Speed
- Draculeaf
- Dual Wield
- Déjà Vu
- Earth
- Earth Camouflage
- Earth Coating
- Earth Coating (move)
- Earth Coating (status effect)
- Earth Resistance
- Earth Wall
- Earth Wall (move)
- Earth Wall (status effect)
- Eastham Woods
- Echolocation
- Effigy
- Egregore
- Eldritch
- Electromagnetism
- Elemental Coating
- Elemental Types
- Elemental Wall
- Elfless
- Energy Reserves
- Energy Shot
- Energy Wave
- Espresso Express
- Ethereal Tape
- Eugene
- Eugene/Dialogue
- Evasion
- Evasion Down
- Evasion Nullified
- Evasion Up
- Everybody's Looking For Something
- Everybody's Looking for Something
- Everybody’s Looking For Something
- Experience
- Face Down
- Faerious
- Fair Fight
- Fair Fight (move)
- Fair Fight (status effect)
- Falldown Mall
- Fast travel
- Faucetear
- Faux Fur Tape
- Felix
- Felix/Dialogue
- Ferrichrome Tape
- Ferriclaw
- Final Breath
- Fire
- Fire Camouflage