
From Cassette Beasts

Coffees are consumable Items usable in battle that use up a turn to provide additional AP.

The player can initially carry up to three of each type of Coffee at a time, but this limit can be increased up to 10 by purchasing the Miniature Refrigerator upgrade from Town Hall. In addition, purchasing the Additional Coffee Stock upgrade from Town hall expands the stock of Coffees available at Gramophone Café.

List of Coffees

Icon Name AP Provided Recycle Value Description Locations
Item Canned Ice Latte.png Canned Ice Latte 2 1 Metal Item Metal.png Tinned coffee that provides 2 additional AP. Uses up a turn during combat.
Item Americano-To-Go.png Americano-To-Go 4 1 Metal Item Metal.png Strong tinned coffee that provides 4 additional AP. Uses up a turn during combat.
Item Espresso Express.png Espresso Express 6 3 Metal Item Metal.png A small can packed with a shot of instant energy that provides 6 additional AP. Uses up a turn during combat.
Item Double Espresso.png Double Espresso 8 5 Metal Item Metal.png Two shots of espresso in a tin that provide 8 additional AP. Uses up a turn during combat.

Consumables ResourcesTapesHealingCuresCoffeePear FusilliReodorantsSmoke BombsOlive-Up!UpgrapeRitual Candle
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