
From Cassette Beasts
Revision as of 14:51, 26 December 2023 by MagentaFace27 (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 7201 by MagentaFace27 (talk))
A Plant-type Squirey bootleg. It can be distinguished from a normal Squirey by its green hue.

Bootlegs are extremely rare versions of monsters that have a different type, moveset, and colour scheme from normal. In battle, they appear with a red name.


On the overworld, bootlegs have a glitchy effect. However, bootlegs can also be the secondary member of an enemy team, in which case they cannot be seen from the overworld. In battle, bootlegs have a red name and differently coloured sprites.

The Glitter type is exclusively found on bootlegs; outside of type-changing moves in battle, it never appears on non-bootleg monsters. Bootlegs can be of the same type as the base monster, in which case a different colour scheme is used to differentiate them.


By default, bootlegs have a chance of 1/1000 (0.1%). Rogue fusions have a chance of 1/50 (2%) to include a bootleg, and fusion swarms have a 1/10 (10%) chance to include one. Other static encounters always have a 2% rate.[1]

Bootlegs also have a higher chance of receiving sticker attributes as they are upgraded.

Ritual Candle

Once Part 4 of the quest Take Me On is completed, the player can use the Ritual Candle item to expend a monster in their possession in exchange for a guaranteed bootleg in their next Rogue Fusion encounter. This bootleg will either be the same species or have the same type as the original.


The different moves that a Bootleg has access to is based entirely upon what type they are, Often time these moves replaces the moves they otherwise only learn because of their original type.

MoveTypeCategoryPowerAccuracyUse Cost
Bootleg Beast Coating Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Beast Resistance Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Beast Wall Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Berserker Status Effect 100% Passive
Bootleg Bite Melee Attack 80 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Blood Donation Miscellaneous Unavoidable 2 AP
Bootleg Bone Cannon Ranged Attack 40 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Air Coating Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Air Resistance Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Air Wall Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Broadcast Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Fog Status Effect Unavoidable 4 AP
Bootleg Hurricane Ranged Attack 90 100% 5 AP
Bootleg Sonic Boom Ranged Attack 60 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Throw Ranged Attack 50 100% 0 AP
Bootleg Unicast Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Zephyr Ranged Attack 60 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Astral Coating Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Astral Resistance Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Astral Wall Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Déjà Vu Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Galactic Beatdown Melee Attack 90 Unavoidable 4 AP
Bootleg Haunt Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Insomnia Miscellaneous 70% Passive
Bootleg Magic Tome Ranged Attack 70 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Mind-Meld Status Effect Unavoidable 2 AP
Bootleg Phase Shift Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Ritual Status Effect 100% 6 AP
Bootleg Shooting Star Ranged Attack 60 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Vengeful Curse Status Effect 100% Passive
Bootleg Coal Story Ranged Attack 30 100% 1 AP
Bootleg Crumble Ranged Attack 30 Unavoidable 2 AP
Bootleg Earth Coating Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Earth Resistance Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Earth Wall Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Fossil Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Grounded Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Mountain Smash Melee Attack 90 100% 4 AP
Bootleg Sandstorm Ranged Attack 60 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Boil Melee Attack 90 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Burning Passion Status Effect 100% Passive
Bootleg Coal Story Ranged Attack 30 100% 1 AP
Bootleg Fire Coating Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Fire Wall Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Fireproof Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Gasoline Spray Status Effect 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Guzzle Fuel Miscellaneous 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Incinerate Melee Attack 40 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Inflame Ranged Attack 60 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Rapid Fire Ranged Attack 30 100% 5 AP
Bootleg Scorch Status Effect 100% 1 AP
Bootleg Self-Destruct Ranged Attack 60 100% Passive
Bootleg Sure-Fire Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Avalanche Status Effect Unavoidable 2 AP
Bootleg Blizzard Ranged Attack 60 100% 5 AP
Bootleg Cold Fusion Miscellaneous Unavoidable Passive
Bootleg Crystal Lens Ranged Attack 60 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Deep Freeze Status Effect 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Frozen Ground Status Effect Unavoidable 1 AP
Bootleg Ice Breaker Melee Attack 90 100% 4 AP
Bootleg Ice Coating Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Ice Resistance Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Ice Wall Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Icicle Dart Ranged Attack 70 85% 2 AP
Bootleg Jagged Edge Melee Attack 40 Unavoidable Passive
Bootleg Snow Rush Melee Attack 60 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Battery Melee Attack 40 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Broadcast Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Charge Melee Attack 60 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Grounded Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Ionised Air Status Effect 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Lightning Bolt Ranged Attack 90 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Lightning Coating Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Lightning Wall Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Magnet Status Effect 100% 1 AP
Bootleg Thunder Blast Ranged Attack 60 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Unicast Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Brace for Impact Melee Attack 120 100% 4 AP
Bootleg Copper Chop Melee Attack 60 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Gear Shear Ranged Attack 50 100% 10 AP
Bootleg Grounded Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Iron Filings Status Effect 100% 1 AP
Bootleg Jagged Edge Melee Attack 40 Unavoidable Passive
Bootleg Lightning Camouflage Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Lightning Coating Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Magnet Status Effect 100% 1 AP
Bootleg Metal Coating Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Metal Resistance Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Metal Riff Ranged Attack 60 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Metal Wall Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Sharp Edges Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Shield Bash Melee Attack 90 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Shrapnel Status Effect 100% 1 AP
Bootleg Sturdy Armour Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Acorn Mortar Ranged Attack 100 75% 3 AP
Bootleg Doc Leaf Status Effect 100% 1 AP
Bootleg Leech Status Effect 100% 1 AP
Bootleg Life Absorb Melee Attack 30 100% 1 AP
Bootleg New Leaf Miscellaneous Unavoidable 3 AP
Bootleg Plant Coating Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Plant Resistance Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Plant Wall Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Poison Pollen Status Effect 100% 1 AP
Bootleg Snooze Spore Status Effect 50% 2 AP
Bootleg Splinter Melee Attack 15 Unavoidable Passive
Bootleg Woodcutter Melee Attack 40 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Brick Blast Ranged Attack 40 100% 4 AP
Bootleg Plastic Coating Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Plastic Knife Melee Attack 40 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Plastic Resistance Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Plastic Wall Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Recycle Miscellaneous 100% 0 AP
Bootleg Toy Hammer Melee Attack 60 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Waterproof Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Poison Coating Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Poison Resistance Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Poison Wall Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Pustule Bomb Ranged Attack 60 100% 4 AP
Bootleg Sticky Spray Status Effect 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Toxic Stab Melee Attack 90 100% 4 AP
Bootleg Boil Melee Attack 90 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Final Breath Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Fog Status Effect Unavoidable 4 AP
Bootleg Torrent Ranged Attack 40 100% 4 AP
Bootleg Undertow Ranged Attack 90 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Water Coating Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Water Wall Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Waterproof Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Bottle Volley Ranged Attack 40 100% 3 AP
Bootleg Crystal Lens Ranged Attack 60 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Glass Bonds Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Glass Cannon Ranged Attack 120 100% 4 AP
Bootleg Glass Coating Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Glass Resistance Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Glass Wall Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Jagged Edge Melee Attack 40 Unavoidable Passive
Bootleg Prismatic Status Effect Unavoidable Passive
Bootleg Revolving Door Miscellaneous 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Sharp Edges Status Effect 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Silicon Slash Melee Attack 60 100% 2 AP
Bootleg Window Status Effect 100% 1 AP
Bootleg Glitter Bomb Ranged Attack 30 100% 0 AP
Bootleg Glitter Resistance Miscellaneous 100% Passive
Bootleg Prismatic Status Effect Unavoidable Passive

Guaranteed Bootlegs

External Links


Battle StatsMovesDamageStat StagesHit chanceCritical hitsPhysicality
TypesStatus EffectsFusionExperience
RecordingFleeingSlotsSticker Attributes
Other AbilitiesBootlegsRelationshipsMultiplayerCustom Game