
From Cassette Beasts

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Head Ranger
Voice actorLiz Morey

Ianthe is the leader of the Rangers and a recurring character.


Ianthe is an older woman who wears a tan trenchcoat and has dark hair with a grey stripe. She leads the rangers, being referred to as Head Ranger and Ranger Leader interchangeably.

She is married to Wilma.


The way Ianthe speaks of her life prior to her arrival is evocative of the Cyberpunk genre. She lived in a mega-metropolis with artificial trees and neon skyscrapers blocking out the stars, and describes life there as "fleeting" and "cruel."[1] During that time, she was "something like a detective"[2] and came up with the name Ianthe in a pinch.[3]

Ianthe discovered monster recording[4] when Falldown Mall arrived in New Wirral fifteen years prior to the player's arrival.[5][6] Prior to this, she fought monsters using a "mechanical gear sword."[7]

Shortly after the player arrives at New Wirral, they meet Ianthe in order to become a ranger trainee.[8][9] Ianthe is first seen by the player at the Ranger Outpost defeating a Rogue Fusion with her Gearyu.

After the player defeats all the ranger captains, Ianthe makes them a full-fledged ranger[10] and asked if they have considered becoming a ranger captain to help with training ranger recruits.[11]. If the player expresses interest in becoming a ranger captain, Ianthe requests them to take on a final challenge - to defeat her in combat[12]. If the player accepts her challenge, Ianthe reveals she will fight alongside her wife Wilma[13].


During Part 4 of Take Me On, Ianthe is challenged in Town Hall, partnered with Wilma and takes the battle to Harbourtown Outskirts. The player receives the status of Ranger Captain and a non-common Headshot sticker for winning.

Battle Team

Ianthe Wilma
Can fuse
Djinn Entonic.png
Djinn Entonic


Ianthe’s team consists mostly of powerful ranged attackers, possessing wide type coverage and some multi-hit moves which break Walls quickly. Gearyu has high melee defense with a 50% chance to ignore walls with Ricochet, and Djinn Entonic can use disruptive moves to cause damage and Confused status. Robindam is a brute-force offensive threat with AP Refund to sometimes return spent AP, while Decibelle has strong Ranged stats, Echolocation to strike a full team, and Hurricane to instantly break walls. At a full AP bar their tapes will likely use Headshot to deal massive damage, or a Fusion Power if in fused form.

In Other Languages

Chinese (Simplified) 领队埃安忒
French Capitaine Ianthe
German Anführerin Ianthe
Italian Capo Ianthe
Japanese リーダー・イアンシー
Korean 총대장 이안테
Portuguese Líder Ianthe
Spanish (Spain) Jefa Ianthe
Spanish (Latin America) Jefa Ianthe


  1. "I lived my whole life in a mega-metropolis. The only trees I had seen were made in factories. The stars had long been blotted out by the skyscrapers and their neon facades. The value of life was fleeting, and you had to harden your spirit if you wanted to stay alive in such a cruel world." - Ianthe, to Heather
  2. "Well… I was something like a detective, if that makes sense." - Ianthe, to Skip
  3. "“Ianthe” is the name of a water goddess in Greek mythology. I needed to choose a name in a pinch and thought it sounded good." - Ianthe, to Codey
  4. "Ianthe is my hero. Did you know she was the first person on the island to record a monster with a cassette player?" - Harbourtown NPC
  5. YEAR 091: "Falldown Mall" is discovered, bringing a large supply of Earth goods to New Wirral. The phenomenon of "monster recording" is discovered for the first time. (Harbourtown Heritage Centre)
  6. "There’s a shopping complex on the northside of New Wirral. Totally abandoned – just popped into being around fifteen years ago. " - Ianthe
  7. "I know that transforming is way more effective in battle, but... Man, I miss the weapons the Rangers used to fight with. Ianthe’s mechanical gear sword was, like, the most steampunk thing I’ve ever seen." - Town Hall NPC
  8. "Well, what do you think, <player>? Do you wanna apply to join the rangers?" - Ianthe
  9. "Trainees are tasked with meeting up with each of the ranger captains here in New Wirral, and overcoming their challenges." - Ianthe
  10. "Congratulations, <player> you're officially a ranger!" - Ianthe
  11. "We could use more people like you helping with the training. Have you ever thought about becoming a captain?" - Ianthe
  12. "If you're interested, there's one final challenge - you have to defeat me in combat." - Ianthe
  13. "Well, I think it'd only be reasonable that my wife gets to help me out on this one." - Ianthe

Partners KayleighEugeneMeredithFelixViolaBarkley
Ranger Captains WallaceSkipZeddJudasClee-0LodesteinPenny DreadfulGladiolaHeatherBuffyCybilCodey
Others PensbyClémence‏‎IantheWilmaSunnyHoylake
Partner Stories DorianJacquelineKuneko
Main Story MorganteMagikrabAlephAmber
Post-game FrankieKirbyVin
Pier of the Unknown Gwen