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One of the core mechanics of Cassette Beasts is fusion. They consist of the combination of monsters. Fusions are present as enemy encounters and can be created by the player as well. The game has a fusion meter which accrues power every time the player takes damage in a battle. Once it is full, the player and their partner can fuse each of the monsters they play as into a combined form. NPC fusions are usually faced directly, already fused as rogue encounters, or used by boss Cassete users, who will typically fuse when down to their last 2 monsters.


Fusions gain the moves of both monsters they are derived from, and have statistics based on the combined statistics of them. Therefore, they are immensely powerful. However, playing as one monster instead of two also means that only one move can be made per turn and they are be weakened with several debuffs.

The fusion will inherit all buffs and debuffs its components had.

Fusion mechanics vary sightly based wether the user is a Cassette user or a wild fusion. For Cassette users, if the fusion takes fatal damage it is dissolved and both of its components take fatal damage as well. For wild fusions, once the fusion takes lethal damage it will dissolve, but its components will be left unharmed at full HP. They will be flinched for the next turn and inherit the buffs and debuffs the fusion had, spread randomly.

Main article: Fusion Power

Players can fuse once they reach relationship level 1 with a partner. Once the player reaches relationship level 2 with a partner, they can execute a special move called Fusion Power when you fuse with them. Fusion power demands the full AP bar to be used and are always incredibly powerful. Its exact nature (base damage, effects and if it hits a all enemies or a single target) depends on the components, coming in many varieties, such as Spike, Bomb, Sword, Axe, Wheel, Beam, Meteor, Wheel, and Smash.

Wild Fusions

Fusions exist in the wild. They are found semi-randomly all over New Wirral, serving as boss encounters. When interacted with, the player will be prompted to fight them. Wild fusions cannot be recorded, but once the fusion's health is depleted it will split into its components, which may be recorded. All fusions have a dramatically increased chance of incluiding bootlegs as one of their components.

Fusions appear as a black, horned creature in the overworld, obscuring their real nature until engaged. Once the player obtains the Fusion Radar after becoming a Ranger and clearing the first task board, all fusions can be tracked. They are indicated by a black outline of a monster, and all look the same on the overworld regardless of the monsters fused. There are 4 different types of fusion encounters, which the Radar specifies:

  • Rogue Fusions are common boss encounters spread all over the map. The fusion will be typically made from monsters encountered in the area where its found (or monsters from the same species tree). The fusion might be accompained by an addicional monster, but this isnt always the case. Once defeated, Rogues will award the player with 1 Fused Material.
    • Rogues have a 2% chance of incluiding a bootleg monster as one of their components
  • Fusion Swarms involve a sequential fight with 5 common monsters, starting at 3 which are then joined by 2 addicional ones as they get knocked out. Once 4 of the common monsters (or all 5 if team wide attacks were used) are defeaten, the fusion will appear.
    • The fusion will be made by one of the components of the common monsters in the swarm (or a remaster of the species), but the other commonent might be a different monster from the area, albeit it can also be a fusion made of two identical monsters. Once defeated, Swarms will award the player with 1 Fused Material.
    • Swarms appear from the beggining of the game, albeit they are less common than Rogue Fusions. Its not recommended to engage them too early, as the large number of monsters that must be fought in succession makes them a difficult fight before team hitting attacks and fusion are available to the player.
    • The fusion in these battles has 10% chance of containing a bootleg monster.
  • Unstable Fusions are fusions where one monster is Anathema, which appear after reaching level 3 in the Ranger Noticeboard. Defeating one is the first step of the Here Comes the Sun quest, after which they will naturally spawn over the map.
    • Unstable fusions are drastically harder than regular rogues, as Anathema is a naturally very powerful monster and it will always have Fission Power, which it will quickly attempt to use, doubling the already massive damage output of the fight. Addicionally they always have a Random Starter, giving it an extra move instantly (which can include Fission Power). The Anathema component always has Self-Destruct as well, meaning that several explosions will take place over the fight, particularly if the split Anathema is also to use Fission Power. A copy created by Fission Power will not divide further, when its HP is depleted it will use Self-Destruction and die immediately. Once defeated, Unstables will award the player with 1 Fused Material.
  • Orb Fusions are the most powerful form of fusions. They are unlocked after reaching level 6 in the Ranger Noticeboard and completing Here Comes the Sun. Orb Fusions are styled as proto-Archangels, and the fights with them include the Archangel musical theme and glitch effects.
    • When engaged, the fusion is protected by an Orb, which obscures the monster (albeit its components can be deduced based on its name and types). The player must first break the Orb in which they appear, which serves as an entire addicional healthbar. While the Orb stands, the fusion will have Archangel mechanics, meaning its AP won't be consumed by moves and once it hits a full bar it will attempt to use Fusion Power. Once the orb breaks, the Fusion will be exposed and it will start to consume AP normally, but it will unharmed and able to fight immediately. Once defeated, Orbs will award the player with 5 Fused Material.
    • Orb fights are by far the most difficult as the first stage has a massive damage output and the threat of Fusion Power quickly ramps up, on top of being a debilitating attrition fight as the player has to fight through 4 healthbars to win (Orb, Rogue Fusion and each of the components), but they award 5 times more Fused Material.
    • Orb Fusions have the highest odds of containing a bootleg monster, at 20%.


Fusion is a mysterious phenomenon unique to New Wirral. It is hard to do, and even the Ranger Captains are impressed by the player's mastery of it. Post-game, the player discovers more about the origins of fusion when undertaking Helia's quest Here Comes The Sun.

Battle StatsMovesDamageStat StagesHit chanceCritical hitsPhysicality
TypesStatus EffectsFusionExperience
RecordingFleeingSlotsSticker Attributes
Other AbilitiesBootlegsRelationshipsMultiplayerCustom Game