Pear Fusilli

From Cassette Beasts

Pear Fusilli is a consumable item usable in battle to fully restore the player's fusion meter. Pear Fusilli does not use up a turn when consumed in battle.

The player can initially carry up to three Pear Fusilli at a time, but the Resealable Plastic Tub upgrade from Town Hall can increase this limit up to 20.


Icon Name Description
Item Pear Fusilli.png Pear Fusilli A pre-peared meal for a pair that instantly fills your fusion meter! Doesn’t use up your turn if eaten during combat.

Pear Fusilli can be recycled for 500 Wheat Item Wheat.png.

How to obtain

After completing the quest This Is The World We Live In, Pear Fusilli can be purchased from Clémence in the Gramophone Café.

Consumables ResourcesTapesHealingCuresCoffeePear FusilliReodorantsSmoke BombsOlive-Up!UpgrapeRitual Candle
Misc Fusion RadarOthers
Pier of the Unknown Prize TicketAttraction PassWarehouse Key