
From Cassette Beasts

Olive-Up! is a consumable item that can be used to level up the player character or partner characters.


Icon Name Description
Item Olive Up.png Olive-Up! A strange olive-flavoured soft drink that instantly levels up one character.

Recycling an Olive-Up! will give 1,000 Wheat Item Wheat.png.

How to obtain

Olive-Up! can be obtained by clearing quests or winning major battles, though any source of Olive-Up! can also instead give an Upgrape. The amount obtained from the latter depends on the opponent's level. It can also be rarely obtained via the Daily item in Harbourtown Beach or the Daily Supplies in the Ranger Outpost. Treasure Dig can also occasionally yield one if used while against a high-level encounter.

Main game

Description Repeatable? # of Olive-Up!
Defeating Archangels No Minimum 1
Defeating ranger captains No Minimum 1
Quests - Minimum 1
Daily items Yes 1
Daily Supplies Yes 1



Similar to Upgrapes, before version 1.1.3 Olive-Up can be recycled for 25,000 Wheat.

Consumables ResourcesTapesHealingCuresCoffeePear FusilliReodorantsSmoke BombsOlive-Up!UpgrapeRitual Candle
Misc Fusion RadarOthers
Pier of the Unknown Prize TicketAttraction PassWarehouse Key
Multiplayer Cyber MaterialHacking Glove