
From Cassette Beasts
Revision as of 04:59, 24 August 2023 by ExcaliburZero (talk | contribs) (→‎Battles: Added missing floors, variable descriptions, and example)

Experience is something that characters and monsters gain upon winning a battle or completing a quest. Gaining enough experience points can cause characters to increase in level, partners to increase in relationship level, and monsters to increase in grade.

Experience Sources


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When winning a battle, an amount of experience points in earned based on the level, monster form experience yield, and character experience yield of each defeated enemy.

How many experience points a given enemy yields when defeated is determined by the following formulas:

  • : Level of the defeated enemy.
  • : Experience yield of the monster species defeated (typically 40).
  • : Experience yield of the defeated character (80 for wild monster battles).

For example, Pawndead has a of 40. So defeating two wild Pawndead that are both at level 39 will yield = 322 experience points each, for a total of 644 experience points.


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Character Levels

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Monster Grades

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Battle StatsMovesDamageStat StagesHit chanceCritical hitsPhysicality
TypesStatus EffectsFusionExperience
RecordingFleeingSlotsSticker Attributes
Other AbilitiesBootlegsRelationshipsMultiplayer