
From Cassette Beasts
Revision as of 01:03, 16 March 2024 by Leilukin (talk | contribs) (Add dialogue when encountering Nowhere Monarch)

These are Meredith's dialogues.

All I Ever Needed

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Falldown Mall

(After finding a record by The Witch House in the vinyl record store)

  • Meredith: That album art - you've found it!
  • Meredith: Wait. Something's not right.
  • Meredith: "Timeless and Strange"? That's not the name of the album...
  • Meredith: And this cover art is slightly different too...
  • Meredith: The track listing... I don't know these songs.
  • Meredith: It's some alternate universe version. The one I wanted isn't here.
  • Meredith: I knew I shouldn't have expected anything good to happen to me.
  • Meredith: Typical...

(Meredith and the player fall as the floor collapses, landing in a Mer-Line Station)

  • Meredith: Urgh, what happened... Cass, are you OK? The record - I dropped it. Can you see it?

(When Meredith and the player meets Nowhere Monarch)

  • Meredith: Wh-what is that?! Why does it look so... wrong?!
  • Meredith: It hurts my head just looking at it... Cass, it's an Archangel, isn't it...?

(Mid-battle against Nowhere Monarch)

  • Meredith: It'd be so easy...
  • Meredith: It'd be so easy to give up and just die...
  • Meredith: But that's not me! I'm sick of letting myself down![1]

(When Nowhere Monarch is defeated)

  • Meredith: We did it... We're alive... We fused?

(After defeating Nowhere Monarch)

  • Meredith: Uh...
  • Meredith: I realise that this was a really trivial thing to come all this way for.
  • Meredith: And a really stupid thing to nearly die over.
  • Meredith: You didn't have to do this. Thanks mate.
  • Meredith: I think... I've had enough of abandoned malls and mortal peril for today.
  • Meredith: C'mon, let's go back to town and check this record out.[1]

Relationship Level Scenes

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  • Meredith: You haven’t said anything for a while, <player>. Is something bothering you?

(Choice between "I want us to be together." and "Nothing in particular!")

If chosen "I want us to be together.":
  • Meredith: I…
  • Meredith: I mean, of course I like you.
  • Meredith: I don’t know why you like me, but I like you.
  • Meredith: But we’re working towards leaving this world…
  • Meredith: If we succeed, we might not stay together. Are you… OK with that?
(Choice between "I am." and "I think so.")
  • Meredith: Screw it. Why not?
If the player goes by he/him pronouns:
  • Meredith: Me, with a serious boyfriend. Sounds weird. Feels right.
If the player goes by she/her pronouns:
  • Meredith: Me, with a serious girlfriend. Sounds weird. Feels right.
If the player goes by they/them pronouns:
  • Meredith: Me, with a serious partner. Sounds weird. Feels right.
  • Meredith: It’s always been easier for me to tell myself that I need to be happier with myself before I get into a relationship with someone, but I think the truth is…
  • Meredith: I might NEVER be truly confident in who I am. I’m not ever gonna be my perfect self.
  • Meredith: But you make me happy, and I'm more whole when I’m with you than I am without.
  • Meredith: Th-that’s enough sappiness from me. Oh, and I can’t do cute-talk.
  • Meredith: If you’re expecting me to ever call you “honey” or “dear”, you’ve got another thing coming, mate.
If chosen "Nothing in particular!":
  • Meredith: Uh, OK.

Campsite and Gramophone Café Conversations

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Partner Interactions in Gramophone Café

Meredith and Kayleigh

  • Meredith: ...I really don’t get it.
  • Meredith: What is the “inter net”? Half the people in Harbourtown are crying over how much they miss it!
  • Kayleigh: Y’know, the internet? Like on computers, or phones?
  • Meredith: On phones? Do you speak to people over it?
  • Kayleigh: …What was the current year in your world before you came here, Meredith?
  • Meredith: 1989, why do you ask?
  • Kayleigh: Oh! OK. I can see we’re maybe a little out of sync with each other.

Meredith and Eugene

  • Meredith: ...I did have some engineering work to do back at the shop, but I might just swerve it for now.
  • Eugene: Yeah! You gotta take a break sometimes, buddy!
  • Eugene: …. Wait, what did you say just now?
  • Meredith: Uhh, I said I had some engineering work to do?
  • Eugene: What did you say after that…?
  • Meredith: ...I was gonna swerve it?
  • Eugene: Is that a phrase? To “swerve” something?
  • Meredith: Oh, I mean, yeah. Like if you’re going to skip out on doing something or going somewhere, that’s you “swerving” it.
  • Eugene: OK, gotcha. I shall embrace your unusual slang with an open mind.
  • Meredith: I think I’m gonna swerve this whole conversation.

Meredith and Felix

  • Meredith: ...My music tastes?
  • Felix: Yeah! What did you used to listen to back in your world?
  • Meredith: That’s a broad question. I like bands where all the members hate each other.
  • Felix: That’s very specific.
  • Meredith: I’m a very specific person.

Meredith and Viola

  • Viola: I must confess, dear Meredith, the way in which you fashion yourself is unlike any I have seen before – in my country, and in this one.
  • Meredith: I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not.
  • Viola: I mean no insult. You seem unconcerned with aligning yourself with the appearance of those around you. It implies a deeper confidence in oneself.
  • Viola: I find you rather admirable in that regard, dear Meredith!
  • Meredith: Uh, thanks mate.

Meredith and Barkley

  • Barkley: Arf!
  • Meredith: You like belly rubs, don’t you?

Here Comes The Sun

(After meeting The Mer-Line)

  • Meredith: That didn’t go how I expected.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Gym Leader Ed (May 19, 2023). "Where's Your Crown, KING NOTHING!". YouTube. Retrieved August 20, 2023.